The PBRD Project
Path Based Routing Daemon
for Linux 2.4+

Developer: Amir Guindehi
Core Team: Amir Guindehi, Ralph Keller, Philipp Blum


Related Projects


Binary Releases

PBRD Releases (these need a Cobra enabled kernel with Cobra version >= 1.00):

Cobra Linux Kernel Releases:


Semester thesis SA-2001.??, Winter 2001/2002, Federal Institute of Technology:

Presentation held at the Federal Institute of Technology:

  • As StarOffice Presentation (not yet released)
  • As HTML Pages (not yet released)
Semester thesis SA-2001.30, Sommer 2001, Federal Institute of Technology:
Presentation held at the Federal Institute of Technology the 05.07.2001:

Off Site Documentation Rusty's Netfilter: Kernel Guides:

Linux Guides:

Router Plugins:

CVS Documentation:

CVS Server

You can access the CVS server in two ways:

Use the web interface to my CVS repository for casual browsing...

... or to grab the latest sources, you can do the following:

  1. Log in to the cvs server anonymously:
    cvs -d login
  2. When it asks you for a password type `cvs'.
  3. Check out the code using:
  4. cvs -z3 -d co pbrd
  5. To update to the latest version, use
    cvs -z3 -d -P update

Last update: Wednesday, 26 December, 2001 23:09
© 2001 by Digital Impact GmbH, Amir Guindehi