Amir's GPG Key with Key ID 0x9f4a56b62598bb06
Modified by Amir on the 10. May 2018 at 12:10 | Permalink

Key ID 0x9f4a56b62598bb06

    Type bits/keyID     Date       User ID
    pub  4096R/2598BB06 2013-12-27 Amir Guindehi 
                                   Amir Guindehi 
                                   Amir Guindehi 
                                   Amir Guindehi 

    Fingerprint 408D 1A4D F4B5 72B7 0997  9B8C 9F4A 56B6 2598 BB06

Direct Download: 0x9f4a56b62598bb06

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Bits and pieces of my digital life...

