Having flown my Chameleon for nearly a year now I must confess that I really really like it's flight characteristic and performance.
The stretched X bottom plate, combined with the nice camara cage and the top mounted battery on a low deck gives you a great CG and even better roll characteristics. I really like to fly my Chameleon and I noticed how I gradually stopped flying my X210 race drone and prefered my Chameleon. So I decided to grew my fleet and build one of the new Chameleon TI from Armattan.
First I've built up the new frame and mounted the motors. I then inserted the Micro Eagle FPV camera into the Chameleon's cage:
Having mounted the motors, I soldered the motors to the 4in1 motor controller next:
After mounting and connecting VTx, camera, flight control and receiver the drone looks like this:
Here you see the finished build up of my new Chameleon TI:
And finally, this is my fully equipped and polished drone:
The maiden flight was successful! Next I need to tune my new fleet member for optimal flight performance. I will post a detailed part list in a followup blog entry when the new build is airborne.
Make sure to check out my articles on my Chameleon and my X210 race drones.
- Amir