My own UAVP: Part 11 - Flying High
Modified by Amir on the 17. Sept 2016 at 19:09 in UAVP | Permalink

Yesterday we re-soldered everything on our two boards. After having seen sudden changes in behavior, perfect first flights and terrible second ones, we decided to have a closer look at our soldering on the board.

Further inspection discovered several unclean soldering pads which we corrected.

And guess what happened today? Our UAVPs flew perfectly and without these erratic changes in behavior! We were both able to fly our 5000mAh batteries to the end!

Now, before I write down too much, have a look yourself at our testflights of today!

The first movie shows my brothers flight. Something went amiss with the FLV encoding, so I would propose to download the WMV file... it of better quality anyway!

Get the Flash Plugin to see this movie.

Direct link: Download the FLV Movie, Download the WMV Movie (74.7MB)

In the second movie you can see the testflight of my own UAVP. As you can see it flys a lot more stable and controlled than the last few times! It seems that a lot of the problems we had have their cause in unclean soldering.

My newest testflight was very successful if one ignores the unclean landing at the end...

Get the Flash Plugin to see this movie.

Direct link: Download the FLV Movie, Download the WMV Movie (88.2MB)

I think both our UAVP are now stable enough to start playing with the software. As you can see in the enhancement ticket queue on I have several ideas I would like to try out and eventually merge to the main trunk, if the implementation gets stable enough.

Amir Guindehi's Blog

Bits and pieces of my digital life...

