My own UAVP: Part 18 - In the press!
Modified by Amir on the 15. Oct 2013 at 00:51 in UAVP | Permalink

I have to tell you hot news: Yesterday a picture of my UAVP got printed in the press!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Warmers of the HS Bremen invited to a QC convention in Bremen. He asked me if I could provide a good UAVP picture for an article in the local press covering the QC convention. I offered him all my archives including the pictures from the QC convention in Regenstauf and by chance he choose a nice picture of my UAVP.

But see for yourself:

As you can read in the text we did not get mentioned even trough Heinrich told the authors that it's a UAVP. On the other hand the Paparazzi project was mentioned, which is another open source project implementing QC favored by Heinrich and his team.

Amir Guindehi's Blog

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