My own UAVP: Part 7 - Tuning the Parameters
Modified by Amir on the 17. Sept 2016 at 19:07 in UAVP | Permalink

The testflights from yesterday clearly showed the need for parameter tuning. So we dedicated today purely to finding the best parameters.

The be short, we failed. After much testing and tuning we can say, that we did not find the best parameters and even have more problems than yesterday.

Yesterday we noted that our gier was periodically swinging. So we tried to fix this today and had to notice that as soon as the gier integral gets a bit bigger the periodic swinging starts. Even when we configured a differential part of 80. Only reducing the integral part to -3 ot -5 helped and even then we had a small periodic movement on our gier.

Furthermore we now have a aperiodic tremble on nick and roll. We tried to compensate with a bit of differential and less proportional, but we could not eliminate it fully.

It seems our parameter tuning turned out to be a bad idea. On the whole the UAVP flies less stable than yesterday and we do not know why.

The problems started with the upgrade to the version 3.12 of the software. It's clear that the changes in the software required changes in the parameter (compass support & differences in P & D calculations of the closed-loop control). But up to now we could not find really perfect parameters.

Here come some movies of our testing today.

First we show you the flip my brother got today. We do not really know what caused it:

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Next I show you some of my testflights. If you watch carefully, you see the tremble on nick and gier as well as the periodic movement on gier:

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Direct link: Download the FLV Movie, Download the WMV Movie (6.7MB)

The result of my last flight was another broken propeller...

We will ponder the results of today tests and the try to fix the parameter debacle. Expect more to follow...

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Bits and pieces of my digital life...

