Setback for music labels
Modified by Amir on the 17. Sept 2016 at 19:22 in IT | Permalink

Heise Verlag

According to Heise Online, a german IT publication, an american judge decided that music labels have to pay both sides of the law suits costs against private persons if the case gets retracted and no compromise settlement gets agreed on.

The judge specially mentioned that the Copyright was not invented as a protection instrument for content owners and providers but was created to regulate the access of the public to creative works!

This is very reassuring since the music labels started doing mass law suits against private persons concerning copyright infringements for a while now.

This precedence guarantees no private person will have to agree to a compromise settlement just to be sure not to get involved in a long and expensive law suit! Law suits concerning copyright infringements tend to get expensive, which is something the music labels count on.

Amir Guindehi's Blog

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