UAVP-NG: A new NG has been born
Modified by Amir on the 18. Sept 2016 at 10:21 in UAVP-NG | Permalink

Today I finished my third NG. It's dedicated for fun flying and because of that we choose a frame span of 38cm. This is the minimal span possible for EPP1045 propellers. The new NG is using Hacker 20-28 clones for motors and Holger's BL-Ctrl 1.1.


The small size allows agile manoeuvres and reduces the weight of the whole construct down to 635 grams.

The following movie shows a short maiden flight done in my living room. I will make a longer movie outdoors when the weather clears up.

Wolferl-NG: Amir's maiden flight of his 38cm NG from Amir on Vimeo.

A following outdoor flight some days later looked like this:

Wolferl-NG: Taarek's outdoor flight of Amir's 38cm NG from Amir on Vimeo.

If you are interested in the detailed specifications of my new NG, be sure to hop over to the UserCopter page of this NG.

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