UAVP-NG: Hardware 0.21 has arrived
Modified by Amir on the 17. Sept 2016 at 18:21 in UAVP-NG | Permalink


Sorry guys, I never found the time to update my blog with the newest developments!

Hopefully this will change again...

It's time to revive this blog!

There was a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes. Our hardware developers designed the next hardware revision 0.21. And our software developers extended the NGOS in the meantime with a lot of new features like a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) to support arbitrary propeller configurations and up to 16 motors, PT1 compensation, a new framework for our peripherial processors, the NG Peripherial Protocol (NGPP) and more. I will write separate blog entries in the near future describing them...

Anyway... today's News is: The new hardware 0.21 has arrived!

These hopefully will be the final prototypes which - when everything checks out - will then be produced for the masses.

Here are some first pictures of the packet I received today...




The boards look great!

We will test them out ASAP and order more if they perform to our expectations... ... expect the new hardware available to the public within several weeks!

Amir Guindehi's Blog

Bits and pieces of my digital life...

