UAVP-NG: The 5. NG Developer Meeting in Heidelberg
Modified by Amir on the 3. Jan 2020 at 00:03 in UAVP-NG | Permalink

Hello everybody!

Finally I found the time to update my blog! End of last month we had the 5. NG Developer Meeting in Heidelberg. Ben and Volker organized the event and it was a lot of fun! Peoples from all over Europe showed up and we had 3 days of BBQ, discussions and flying.

Now, a month later some of the movies shot have been cut and posted to the net. Below you find Robert's and my moving pictures of the event.

UAVP-NG - The Next Generation OS Multicopter: 5. Developer Meeting in Heidelberg
Download: mp4 (480x360)
Play on: YouTube

NG UAVP Meeting Heidelberg from Rob Robot on Vimeo.

Short Movie of the NG UAVP Meeting in Heidelberg Germany from 27 to 29th May 2011

I would like to thank all visitors and special thanks goes to Volker and Ben for organizing the great event!

Best regards!
- Amir

Amir Guindehi's Blog

Bits and pieces of my digital life...

